by Jill Carnes Orlando

The town was a bustle last Saturday with another successful Hometown Christmas. The day started with the craft show held in the Civic Center. There were a variety of items available for a small vendor show, everything from local honey, to 3D printed items, collector cards, woodworking and many other handmade items.

Montpelier’s Hometown Christmas

It’s encouraging to see so many who continue to support this event for our little town. Raffle items were given out and some yummy food was available. It made for a great start to the day, but the day didn’t end there.

At noon Santa came to town! He was escorted by the Jake Michaels Memorial Golf Cart Club and rode in on a vintage fire truck. Down main street he came and made his stop at the Chaney building uptown where he was met by smiling faces. The children were lined up and ready to tell him everything they wanted for Christmas.

The Chaney building was not only the hub for Santa, but also local community members with games, crafts and prizes. Our local Volunteer Fire Department and Police Chief Snyder handed out hot dogs and Commissioner John Lancaster’s famous chili. Local community members, churches and businesses decorated trees that were available for viewing throughout the day.

This year, the overall winner was Grace Community Church with their “SCUBA” themed tree bringing a different view than the normal Christmas tree. Their tree highlighted underwater life with a Christmas twist, and was inspired by their VBS for next summer being “Scuba.”

A very close second and crowd-pleaser was the Polar Express themed tree decorated by Mary Laurance and daughter Rochelle. Their tree was equipped with a rideable train, and a cozy sitting area with fireplace. Mary and Rochelle were our winners from last year and have always put so much thought and effort into their trees.

Outside the Chaney building, Chad King and Kyle Coons, who are part of our local volunteer fire department, gave wagon rides for anyone willing to brave the cold weather. In addition, there was cookie decorating, hot cocoa and a mini live nativity to see.

Lots of our downtown businesses were open for business during the event, as well. Simply Sweet and Rustic was made over to house the Grinch as in years past. Pictures could be taken with the grinch in his big red sleigh.

As the events came to a close a movie was played in the Chaney building. Community members were able to bring in their own chairs and blankets and make a spot to watch the movie sponsored by Neff Realty. After the movie, Showtime Dance Academy brought in some very talented dancers to preview their Christmas Recital. The event concluded with the lighting of the Christmas Tree.

This event wouldn’t be possible without the efforts of community members, businesses, and churches – a huge thank you to everyone who had a part in continuing to make this a successful event.